11 September 2014

Hello Emelie,
I know, this is old news now. I wanted to mail you about this ASAP after The Big News Announcement, but had a really busy day. Anyway, everyone’s asking it, so I’ll ask it too: what do you think about the new Apple Watch?
Second thing I asked myself was why it was not called, “iWatch.” After some research, it seems Apple’s marketing people decided to remove the “i” because one big challenge to the product’s success is whether people are actually want to be seen wearing one. It’s fashion first, technology second, so no geeky “i”.
I can certainly see why Apple is so concerned about the fashion issue, and I can definitely see everyone wearing their new Apple Watch in early 2015 when it is first released… But then, in a year or two, after the novelty has worn off, and everyone’s tired of the zillions of new straps and ways to pimp it, it will be seen as a bit silly and boring to wear one (see photo above), and people will go back to their iPhones, Rolex, or the latest from Bell&Ross etc etc.
Or will it be a more essential product like the iPhone or iPad?
Speak soon my friend!
Suzan xx